Category: Friendship

You don’t need a perfect life

No one has a perfect life. All you have to do is be true to yourself and live life and try to be happy with who and what you have.  I need a happy life surrounded by a good friends & accept who I am. That’s a wonderful gift from heavens above. ~ Jean Pagayonan Doesn’t say anything …

A friend who secretly puts you down

Sometimes the closest friends are your worst enemies because they stab you in the back. I love my enemies they are the one who made me strong. ~ Jun Arai  Frenemies are worse than enemies. Very refreshing feeling once they’re out of your life though. Life is too short to hang around people that pretend to be …

Strangers can become best friends

To me a true friend would realize a mutual respect beyond any word or event. A true friend works hard along side you as a bond without judgement of righteousness. To bring others up or down beside themselves together for a mutual well being so you wouldn’t have to endure anything alone. ~ George Valdez  Sometimes best …

When you are richer than you think?

Your heart beats for someone special, then you got it all. It would be great if you have friends like a family and a family like friends. Being grateful for what you have helps make you content. We should appreciate everything in our lives! When you have hands and you can work by hands can take foods …