Category: People

When you will see the true colors of people

It’s an unfortunate way to have to learn who really cares, because that can be more painful than the storm itself. Know one is exempt from life’s storms, people need to think about what they needed/wanted from someone that cares when they were going through one of life’s storms. ~ Julie Wellisley    You know who your …

Bad things are always going to happen in life

Nothing justifies deliberately hurting someone else, even the hurts you have experienced from them or anyone else. ~ Trevor Martin    Sit back and relax, enjoy the ride, time will take care of everything. It’s called KARMA!   If you hurt people because people hurt you then you are just as bad as them. Becoming bigger than that …

People will notice the change in your attitude

This also works both ways. We should also become aware of our own behaviour. We can’t always blame everyone else. How can we do better? It’s not always down to other people. We should first judge our selves, be the kind of person we would like to meet. To address our need to do things differently …

Material things mean nothing in life

A simple life with love, healthy family and friends is all you need!   Enoughness that’s all that’s needed, enough food and water, enough shelter and protection from the elements. Some people die and have never understood enoughness! People are the treasures in our lives not possessions. ~ Karen Phillips    Life is a balance. Nowadays it …