Tag: attitude

Stop giving people power to control your worth

Never let others define you and you are the keeper of your happiness. Sheep follow and let others define them and let them control them. Don’t go along just because you think it is the thing to do it isn’t. You know what makes you happy and what doesn’t so be authentic especially to yourself. ~ Beverly …

It doesn’t matter what you look like

Someone once told me of a dream they had where God had asked them, “What is wrong with my colour scheme?” to which she replied ‘sorry I don’t know what you mean’ God said ‘ Well I made people black,white and brown and the sky blue the grass green the flowers red, purple e.t.c. He then …

Smile even you are in pain

When you learn from your mistakes, it always helps you through your life. Never become bitter, never let jealously over take you.  We become strong, when we overcome defeats and we gain wisdom from life experiences because they are the best teacher on not to repeat the same mistakes we did in the past. We are …

Be a girl with a mind & a woman with attitude

Intelligent mind and definitely, a lady with class, is the best way to be. It’s natural to have a mind, but question is if it’s the right mind; it’s easy to have an attitude, question is if it’s the wisest that reveals great character; but it’s not easy to have ‘class’, it takes the right breeding,right …

The one thing people can’t take away from you

When I have acted disrespectfully, I was not aware of it, only that I was responding to fears which may or may not have had anything to do with the person I treated disrespectfully, so unaware. I may have apologized, but no one heard me. Now when others treat me without respect I might ask, “What …

People will notice the change in your attitude

This also works both ways. We should also become aware of our own behaviour. We can’t always blame everyone else. How can we do better? It’s not always down to other people. We should first judge our selves, be the kind of person we would like to meet. To address our need to do things differently …