Tag: promise

A clear rejection is always better

It hurts for a shorter time than being lied to and eventually finding out. ~ Paula Lundquist Don’t say promises that you cant keep and do. Just letting the other person hold on something that can’t be done and that’s totally unfair. Being true even if it will hurt the one you love is more acceptable, being …

I want someone who promise

It is the simple things in life that bring the greatest joy and remain in your memories. To lay on the grass here is cold when the moon and the stars come out, and you can lay on the grass there in darkness to watch them, but through the windows I’ll watch them with you. That’s …

There’s no WIFI in the forest

Nothing better than being close to nature and away from all the stress the worlds offers.   My husband & I rent a log cabin & for the first time we experience no text no phone calls no fb or anything because there’s no freaking phone signal & yet it feels real great & so peaceful, …