Category: Life

Accepting an apology you never got

Forgive people not because they deserve forgiveness but because you deserve peace.   Hanging on to the anger is like taking poison and thinking it is going to affect the other person. It eats away at you without them even recognizing it.    Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you have to let them know you’re forgiving them. …

When you feel life is worth the struggle

The people and things that make you feel like you’ve died inside, but we all lose something we wish we didn’t. Keep the good memories and remember that people that have passed do not feel the pain that we can feel in the flesh. It’s a good feeling to know they’re free, but you can use …

Material things mean nothing in life

A simple life with love, healthy family and friends is all you need!   Enoughness that’s all that’s needed, enough food and water, enough shelter and protection from the elements. Some people die and have never understood enoughness! People are the treasures in our lives not possessions. ~ Karen Phillips    Life is a balance. Nowadays it …

Live your own life without worrying

No expectations, No worries!   Started thinking this way a while ago and it’s made a huge difference in my life. When my kids pushed my buttons I’d say, “Sorry you feel that way, I love you lots!” and I meant it, but after a while they knew if I said it they couldn’t ruffle me. …