Category: Trust

People who respects you when you are not around

True friends are the ones that respect you and defend you no matter the situation. So many people like to denigrate others when they are not around, and quite often this is merely a hobby for so many – so fun to trash others and they seek other like minded damaged individuals to do it with. …

Being honest may not get you a lot of friends

Being an honest person doesn’t always payoff. However, being honest helps me sleep better at night. ~ Ray Gallegos  My friends list is not plentiful but telling the truth you always come out on top with your conscious. I have been burned too many times by trusting and expecting honesty from others because I am honest myself. …

Everything comes to you at the right time

The good things in life never come without a price. The process to get what you want might harm others. So be very careful that your ambitions do not harm others in the process. If you want something different, then do something different. If you keep doing what it is you are doing, you will keep …

Things will get better

The stronger you are the better you will be. Thank You God! Trust generates positive results. Have it & watch results in due course. Life’s experiences are cyclical. Just as the day follows the night, what’s worse is followed by what’s better. Such is the rhythm of life. Your trust that things will get better is …