Category: Feelings

Worst battle! Between what you know & what you feel

Knowledge versus feelings.You have to come up with weighing which will bring more favor to your being. ~ Lhanz Ubaldo  Feelings come and go. One should strive to have an outside source of “truth”. That will give an individual an edge because our feelings fail but truth remains constant. ~ Clifford Williams God is a good provider. He …

Do what you did in the beginning of a Relationship

The quote doesn’t mean you have to stay exactly the same, never growing nor changing, that would be boring and unnatural. It simply means, have respect, courtesy, patience in the early days, for a while you are on “best behaviour”, you don’t criticize, are co-operative, attentive. Continue with all these things, make your partner feel special …

Who are said to be the Strongest people?

Strongest are the ones who can laugh and smile in spite of life’s trials and tribulations. Pain & Fear are normal feelings for humans. However exercising control over them separates the strong from the weak. ~ Olusoji Siwoku  Being strong to me is understanding why you need to be strong. Which is understanding that reason. Strong like …