Category: Friendship

Who is your good Friend?

Isn’t it great that you don’t have to ask permission to be yourself? This is real friendship with healthy relationship. As long as your total freedom isn’t harming others or yourself. ~ Sharon Leuser  A friend is like a mirror image, you c an say and do what you like to it, it will do and say the …

A friend is someone who does things that count

A friend is a person who walks in when the world walks out. Sometimes in life, you find a special friend; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can’t stop; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who …

Talk to your best friend to feel better

When I talk to my best friends, we laugh so much & always feel better for it. A lot cheaper than therapy and much more rewarding. ~ Darcie Smith Best friends are with us through thick and thin. Better known as angels. ~ Carolyn Higgins A friend is someone who’ll listen to your thoughts and try to help …