Category: Heart

It doesn’t matter what you look like

Someone once told me of a dream they had where God had asked them, “What is wrong with my colour scheme?” to which she replied ‘sorry I don’t know what you mean’ God said ‘ Well I made people black,white and brown and the sky blue the grass green the flowers red, purple e.t.c. He then …

Those people who betrayed you

Life is one big school of hard knocks, but we never should feel bad about our past experiences those really made us who we are today. ~ Förnamn Efternamn  Sometimes we trust someone for no reason at all. It’s just that we feel happy in their company or when they are with us.  Heart is always pure …

Sometimes your Heart needs more time

We feel emotions with our hearts and our minds process things. Analyzing things is more logical. If we question our hearts decisions it’s a good thing that means we are trying to find our balance (so to speak). When we love it can turn our whole world upside down. It’s important to always remember to stay …

Love is when you sit beside someone

Just being with them feels fantastic and flutters my heart. ~ Sue Rhea  Even when you’re just sitting there, doing nothing, saying nothing and just holding hands. ~ Brigitte Nicole There doesn’t have to be a romantic link. To me this is about the comfort of a good friendship. ~ Mary MacDonald