Tag: stress

Let go of the things you can’t change

By changing your reaction and your attitude. Realize that there’s nothing you can do to change the outcome, so let it go. When faced with a situation that’s important to you, ask yourself: Can I do something to change it? If the answer is yes, then do everything you can. If you can’t change it or …

Sometimes all you need is a hug

The Hug, is the add strength of, energy. Everybody needs a hug now and then. It is as if all your burden goes away. A big hug from my husband always makes everything better. ~ April Van Houten  Hugs are so healing to your soul and life. Your heart smiles and your all is right with the …

Live a simple life without stress or worry

We are all going to go through worry and stress in our lives, can’t do much about that but happiness can be found when you follow your dreams and passions and make a difference. ~ Becky Samples    Life is all about struggle and perseverance – that’s how we can enjoy happiness. Besides, I’m pursuing contentment since …

Things that you cannot control or change

The beach is the best place to relax. ~ Linda Pate    The more we hold our feeling inside and not letting them out, the stressful we become. ~ Hawkar Kalary    I wish that people would live by those words. I see so many people hold anger, grudges and bitterness to the point that it effects everyone …