Tag: tears

The kindest hearts have felt the most pain

That’s why you have to look beyond the physical in order to really get to know someone. ~ Randy Dorilag  I have been redeemed, transformed, renewed and set free. My smile is the window of my soul of pure love. ~ Rosanne Rose  We still have to manage a brave face so when asked casually, how are you …

The Pain that you have been through

Life is never without its fair share of pain. Suffering is as much a part and parcel of living as joy. Pain will slowly ease just as tears will gradually dry up with the process of healing. In time, the heart will overcome one’s sorrows and life will be once again be bearable. The stronger the …

Love is Beautiful when it’s Good

Love is sometimes better the 2nd time around. You are more mature and know what you want in a mate. You have to pay price to be happy, nothing comes easy. To reach happiness you have to go through things that you do not want. Sometimes at the time we think it is beautiful and then …

It’s better to cry than to be angry

Holding onto anger is like drinking Poison and expecting the other person to die. Once you spew anger at someone, it’s too late to ever take it back. Don’t be shy to cry , but cry when you are alone to keep your dignity high. ~ Mohammed Kamal True anger is poison, it is a switch that …

Crying doesn’t indicate you are weak

Tears are said to be Pearls in Heaven. Crying is rain for the soul, it serves its purpose. Crying is healing. Crying shows that you are wonderful and feeling, both in happy and in sad times it’s a depth of emotion, telling the world something about you. Crying releases stress and negativity and refreshes our soul.