Tag: true

You can’t buy true love

Love in real essence is not fake nor anything that coming out fake. The word itself carries only truth without any act of pretensions or else it’s not love at all. ~ Genesis Dionela    Love is the only thing in this world you can’t buy even you have too much money!  

When it comes to choosing friends

Friends come & go for a time or season. Those who show up in life have something to teach us whether they give or take from you. Loyalty is really at it’s core. You get what you mirror which for most is a hard thing to grasp. Nevertheless the more honest you are with yourself the …

When you will see the true colors of people

It’s an unfortunate way to have to learn who really cares, because that can be more painful than the storm itself. Know one is exempt from life’s storms, people need to think about what they needed/wanted from someone that cares when they were going through one of life’s storms. ~ Julie Wellisley    You know who your …

It’s not about people who act true to your face

Every smiling face is not your friend. Just be happy with what you do and have the confidence to stay true to yourself. Screw the others. They don’t matter. When you see those “friends” talking about other friends behind their backs, know they’re talking about you behind yours. ~ Denise Miller  Interesting how people will say one …