There’s always some pain behind every I’m okay

There's always some pain behind every I'm okay

Just don’t hold your loved ones hostage trying to figure you out. Riddles can turn hurtful and tiresome, so trust the loved ones, be real and say what you mean. ~ Sally Laporte 

How can someone hurt you feelings when your feelings come from you. Took me a while to figure that one out. It made me realize that to do otherwise, I was not honoring myself. We create positives feelings. We create love and happily give it away after we create it. It comes from within us. We also create hate, envy, jealousy and all things negative. Aren’t we then, equally responsible for the creation of both? We choose to create our feelings and give them away. Upon realizing all feelings come from within their creator it simplified my thinking, reaction and my life. ~ Brandy Stanford 

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