Category: Gratitude

Treat with politeness to rude people

Rudeness is like cancer of the soul. ~ Linda Abney  Don’t sink to their level to try to prove a point. ~ Rose Brickey  Sometimes people need to learn to control their mouth. ~ Umi Kadarsih Even I can ‘kill’ my enemy with a smile and by being polite or remain silent. ~ Sadhana Ray Why stop to the low …

The Greatest Challenge in Life

It’s more important to be happy with what you can offer than worrying about what people think. ~ Cheryl Will The best day of your life is the day you were born. But the second best day is the day you find out why. We hung in there, because we were committed, and we believe in integrity. …

Appreciate what you already have

Happiness does come from being content with what you have. When we look at with other people have and envy them for what they have, we have created an internal strife that can destroy our happiness and our lives. ~ Glen Conley I don’t really possess anything, not even my body and therefore I’m really happy with …