Before you start to judge me

Before you start to judge me

Never underestimate a person who always seems to be struggling or down on their luck. ~ Victoria Mack

You want be in my shoes, long you will run as fast as the wind to get the my shoes off, but I am stronger everyday for living the life I have lived. ~ Sandra Daugherty 

Difficult circumstances don’t mean we are not accountable for the things we do wrong. It is still our fault, no one else’s. If we are wrong, then we are wrong, and we should not try to make ourselves feel better by blaming our life. Don’t try to be strong and self-assured, pretending you are ok. Be weak! Admit you have failed, get on your knees and let God sort out your mess. ~ Lee James 

We are so quick to use our own limited perspective to assess the lives of others. We force upon them a whole list of “SHOULDS.” They should do this or should do that. It is especially hurtful when we use this with our intimate partners. We excuse their whole life of experience as unimportant than begin to enforce our rules of living on them. Our fear of their differences leads to subtle and sometimes not so subtle attempts of control slowly eroding away at the love and closeness we once experienced. ~ Troy

Trust in God & also have trust in yourself. Know your purpose, who you are and find your destiny.

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