Category: Hurt

People change for two main reasons

The most powerful and enriching lessons have come after heart breaks for me. ~ Maria White No one feel the pain you have suffered but you must walk with positive attitude because life a mysterious journey, so never give up. ~ Khalid Mallik  Our deepest pains are a reminder of the depth of our love for anyone. If …

We are all a little broken

Little broken, but that’s what life’s for. Putting our pieces back together. Broken crowns still colour the same. God chooses the broken ones to glorify the beauty and majesty of His work through them. God can achieve so much more through those who are humble than those who say in their hearts, “There is no God” or …

Why people usually cry?

When your body and mind are tired that’s when I cry. ~ Radjeni Rachna Even the strong have weak moments! Sometimes it’s hard to always be the strong one. Sometimes you just need to let all your feelings come to the surface. 

People change for two reasons

Being Hurt will bring one to learn much. When you are hurt to the extreme you learn more and become stronger. Pain is the catalyst of change and growth. Anger appropriately applied is also a factor. How we deal determines our healing. It is not negative to be angry. It’s negative to deny it out of …