Category: Change

One of the hardest lessons in life

Letting go is really hard but once you did it, you will feel better and you will have peace within. In today’s society, people tend to follow negativity & make it part of everyday life thinking. It’s the way we do things. Innocent individuals suffering & hurting of break-ups are caused from individuals, changing trends and …

Worry is a total waste of time

99% of the things we worry about have already happened or never will. There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.  Worry never solves any problem. It is careful planning and your wisdom that finds any solution. Worry simply wastes time …

Things will change for the better

Keep your spirit! One day everything will fall into the right place. Just be patient! Like with every other quality, there is a light & dark side to patience. Sometimes we can become complacent about being patient and give up our responsibility in working towards a desired result. Things change when we change. What learning do …

Love is what changes us

Love changes people. It makes them do things they never would have done before. Manipulation & control is not love. Love & acceptance equal change in a person. Even if you love them they won’t change, if they didn’t want to change. You can’t change other people. You just can’t, so give it up. Either like …