Category: Pain

Sometimes all you need is a hug

The Hug, is the add strength of, energy. Everybody needs a hug now and then. It is as if all your burden goes away. A big hug from my husband always makes everything better. ~ April Van Houten  Hugs are so healing to your soul and life. Your heart smiles and your all is right with the …

Crying doesn’t indicate you are weak

Tears are said to be Pearls in Heaven. Crying is rain for the soul, it serves its purpose. Crying is healing. Crying shows that you are wonderful and feeling, both in happy and in sad times it’s a depth of emotion, telling the world something about you. Crying releases stress and negativity and refreshes our soul.

Pain Changes People

Pain is a great spiritual teacher. ~ Eckhardt Tolle Pain makes us stronger if you utilize it properly. Some people it makes better, but some people it makes bitter. Physical & emotional. Emotional pain takes a toll on the body & physical pain on the emotions. Vicious circle. Pain changes you when you don’t understand the role …

When you are smiling just to stop the tears from falling

Crying is an emotional release from an inflicted pain. Tears help to drain away some of the accumulated pain within. Often it is a silent cry for help and support. The brave amongst us hide their pain and conceal their tears behind an affected ‘put on’ smile to hide their suffering from the world. Their grief …

Smile even you are in pain

When you learn from your mistakes, it always helps you through your life. Never become bitter, never let jealously over take you.  We become strong, when we overcome defeats and we gain wisdom from life experiences because they are the best teacher on not to repeat the same mistakes we did in the past. We are …