Don’t tolerate disrespect, not even from yourself

Do not tolerate disrespect, not even from yourself

This must be repeated over and over again in front of a mirror. 

We have to ignore things we dislike sometimes due to different issues. 

Many people have no self respect but blame others for a lack of respect. 

Respect yourself first so that others will respect you.

It’s when another demands that you must be part of his/her happiness or he/she throws a fit and takes revenge in some way verbally or physically. Being yourself is respecting yourself. ~ Ron Souther 

It is hard to get into the head of someone who has lost respect for himself. Usually there is this tiny protected sphere of self-love that remains and can grow. But if someone has let go their hope and resolve, a slogan won’t do. Something, someone must help them through. ~ Kim Nguyen 

Don’t assume that everyone who says something you don’t love is disrespecting you. Know how to take constructive criticism when it is in fact construct and communicated respectfully to you. Some are extremely defensive and therefore attack first whenever told something they don’t particularly like. ~ Luisa Mae 

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