Tag: angry

One of the hardest lessons in life

Letting go is really hard but once you did it, you will feel better and you will have peace within. In today’s society, people tend to follow negativity & make it part of everyday life thinking. It’s the way we do things. Innocent individuals suffering & hurting of break-ups are caused from individuals, changing trends and …

It’s better to cry than to be angry

Holding onto anger is like drinking Poison and expecting the other person to die. Once you spew anger at someone, it’s too late to ever take it back. Don’t be shy to cry , but cry when you are alone to keep your dignity high. ~ Mohammed Kamal True anger is poison, it is a switch that …

I’m not angry, I’m Hurt

Anger subsides. Hurt changes you forever. Sincerity is an expensive gift. Don’t expect it from cheap people. ~ Margarita Keremidchieva  The hardest thing is to realise that whilst we might have the usual normal expectations of one that supposedly love us. The truth is, that they just aren’t able to deliver. The peace comes when we realise …