When someone walks out of your life

When someone walks out of your life

Our life is not tie to people who walked away from us, to know that is a truth that make us free. ~ Yesi Morales

Sometimes you have to walk away to be good to yourself. What’s left behind deserves to be left behind in many cases. ~ Thelma Corpas

Sometimes it is just nice to drop all the negativity these people and move on. Goodbye with all the drama. ~ Ron Mitchinson

If they don’t follow, keep walking. ~ Nicola Meakin

Let them go if there meant too be in your life they will come back into it at a later time. You can’t make people love you. ~ Terri Lynn

Maybe its time to fix yourself, be happy with people who does love you for real. You have friends & family and you can still meet people that will take that missing into complete. They gone it’s because there’s much better coming your way. ~ Cristy Ponzaran

I’m thankful knowing that I deserve way a lot more than what I do deserve. I’m a real good woman only been taken for granted but I’ve learned that those didn’t deserve me. He had opened my eyes for sure that there’s more opportunities and way a lot more mature, classy, well mannered gentlemen that can treat a really good woman like me. Don’t ever waist your time on bad people. They’re the weak ones who can’t finish and live life of knowing how to learn and take on life challenges in every way but to walk and they can only give up like cowards. ~ Molly Aylani

I’m always happy to no longer carry the burden of something that doesn’t work. ~ Alison Maloney

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