Hardest lessons in life is letting go

The trouble is people are often so cut up that when one door closes they miss the new door that’s open in front of them, but the new door always offers something better. Where would you be if you hadn’t changed, evolved, grown, loved, outgrown, discovered It’s called life. Just think of all the old to …

You can’t always see the pain someone feels

You can’t see pain. You can only feel it yourself or associate with it when you see someone in pain. But it’s true, you can’t see it even then, because it’s not yours,its theirs. ~ Gerasimos Loukatos  Most of the time we can not see others pain. Even if they tell we don’t understand till we go …

Good people may make bad choices

We all make our own path on this journey through life via the very choices we make at any point in time, whether those choices are good or bad is easier in hindsight than knowing at any specific moment. Learning and wisdom gained from past mistakes hopefully will prevent us making the same mistakes again, or …