Tag: wisdom

Always stay true to yourself

For us to be happy we must start from ourselves. For the world to be a better place for us we must start being truthful. ~ Carina Flores The Divinity in you is true, so stay true to your divinity. The ego isn’t you. ~ Martina Torremans How about stay true to yourself, and then you will attract …

Everyone smiles in the same language

Smile is the beginning of a short conversation to everyone we meet. ~ Rose Pablo Go Out and share a smile. You never know who’s day it may make. It just might be yours. ~ Jimmy Torres  A smile is free and the ripple effect is huge. ~ Linda Allen Forget about designer dresses, if you wear a smile …

Life is like a Piano

I find this metaphor a ‘perfect’ analogy of life’s experience. Without the ‘black’, the trials, challenges, and heartaches, how can we have life lessons of maturity in life. Those are what helps us define our character and thus become resilient. ~ Minessa Balgos Its the happiness that gives meaning to the sadness and its the sadness that …