Tag: woman

The Beauty of a Woman

Eyes are the windows to the soul.  When I look in women eyes and talk with her eyes, I feel that I’m the most happiest man in the world. ~ Unknown Outer beauty is just a skin deep, inner beauty is everlasting. ~ Bethlea Muhammad  Why people don’t make an effort to look directly into someone’s eyes. …

How you will get the right woman?

To all us raising young men, single ladies if you complain you can’t find a good Man, remember it’s also our jobs to raise one. ~ Addie Kitchell Don’t worry about finding one. Just worry about what makes her happy. If you can’t do that, you’ll never be happy. ~ Jammin Miller

You are a strong woman who refuses to be defeated

We are all bruised, crushed, or broken at some point, if not yesterday or today then perhaps tomorrow but we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get on with our lives, having gained more strength along the journey, except those, of course, who end up wallowing in their own self-pity! ~ Ellie Ryder  I went through …

If you want to know how civilized a culture is

In recent times, there are very few countries peoples’ treating women with respect. It’s not just women, one should respect everyone in their life. It says more about a person’s character and society where they are raised. Due to modernization, people are losing moral values and polite code of conduct with each other. This has been …