Tag: yourself

You have no idea about who I am

So many people assume things about people or they judge a book by it’s cover. You should really take the time out to get to know someone before you make assumptions off of what somebody else says or just because their lifestyle is not like yours or just because you may be missing out on a …

Forgive those who insult or take you for granted

Forgiving them doesn’t mean you have to stay with them especially if the abuse is continuous! ~ Stuart Livingstone    God does not judge anyone, its called cause and effect. Whatever you give out, you get back in return. The only reason to forgive them is to move forward in your journey to wonderful things. ~ Puchi Mcshadow 

To respond with anger to someone

How about you just do what you think is right and to Hell with what anyone else thinks. ~ Jana Olson-Bish    Easy to say, but difficult to put into practice, it requires great discipline and the adoption of “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Some neighbours are just harder to love than others, but the willingness to …

Sometimes you need to be alone

Time spent with a great companion, YOURSELF !   If you don’t spend enough time getting to know yourself and learning to like yourself, how do you know what you are sharing with others, and how can you expect them to like it? ~ Catherine Marbaker    Being alone doesn’t mean you don’t have friends. You just …

If you fully accept yourself

Always surround yourself with positive energy and great loving family! This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t delete continuously nasty people from your life. You should try atleast for the most part to surround yourself with people of good nature and intentions. ~ Shanon Siviour  People who talk about you are most likely the ones with a guilty conscience. …