Tag: yourself

Never neglect the person you see in the mirror

Talk to Yourself At least Once A Day. Otherwise You May Miss A Meeting with an EXCELLENT Person. ~ Jankesh K Parnami When you get what you want in your struggle for wealth and the world makes you king for a day. Then go to the mirror and look at yourself and see what that person …

Before you Speak

Sometimes it’s better to be hurt by the truth then to be lied to. ~ Yvette Damhuis  Folks are in such a hurry now. They don’t seem to have the time to think before speaking or waiting for an answer. ~ Liz Carden  When one is considering your day to day interaction with people. Not lashing out, not …

Like a child, Be happy for no reason

The reason why GOD tell us to be like an innocent child is to be carefree, no worry, no trouble & no hatred. A child don’t understand what is ifs and dont’s of life. He only knows happiness. ~ Mariejoy Bautista  Happiness comes and goes. We must live all minutes of this ‘time’ as it would never …

People will always talk about you

They are leaving some one else alone & what they don’t know they will make it up. Enjoy life & don’t care what others think. ~ Debbie Janak  Give some people anything to talk about & they obsess and run a lifetime with it. As if they do nothing. ~ Beverly Myrick  There are some people in your life that …