Category: Belief

Believe those who show you they love you

Don’t believe in words believe in action! There are always warning signs. Many people just ignore the signs or their gut instincts. Every man I’ve dated who told me he loved me but was lying, I knew the truth and let him go because in the end, being with him was a waste of my time. …

The best feeling in the whole world

It will come, just be patient. I was in the same shoes with you or worse, but all I can say is no matter how impossible it seems to reach the finish line, you will get there eventually. ~ Marie Grace  It happens when you move on, let go of the one that hurt you. If you …

Accept what is & let go of what was

Thank you for what is, thank you for what was and thank you for what will be. We have to live our life now but will understand it in future. Accept whatever may happen, let go and move on with my life and have to think of. The Best is yet to come! Sometimes we get …

Things will get better

The stronger you are the better you will be. Thank You God! Trust generates positive results. Have it & watch results in due course. Life’s experiences are cyclical. Just as the day follows the night, what’s worse is followed by what’s better. Such is the rhythm of life. Your trust that things will get better is …