Category: Peace

The ones who notice the silence in your voice

Only trust someone who can see these three things in you. The sorrow behind your smile, the love behind your anger, and the reason behind your silence. I hate letting people in, but even when I do I always push them out some way. That’s the hardest part of living your life with no-one around your …

Sometimes things take time in life

Don’t let people that have their own problems drag you down. When your negative it creates stress an anxiety. Who wants that. Right! If it’s out of your control let it go. Usually that’s when solutions come. When you give up on hopes, you begin to loose faith.

10 Benefits of Time Alone

It’s important to be comfortable in your own company, as much as you would be comfortable socially. It’s important to disconnect and connect with one’s self every once in a while. Most people end up in horrible relationships be it marriage, friendships etc. Just out of compromise on most important factors, such as ethics, character and …

Music can heal things medication never will

Music is the constant in my life that soothes my soul. ~ Bonnie Harbaugh  You feel music! It’s that takes you back somewhere and can make you smile with all your heart or make you cry. ~ Shirley Rice  Music is so good for our souls. It takes us on a journey and is so therapeutic and relaxing …

Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness

I try my hardest every day to bury the hateful thoughts and forgive. Some days are better than others. ~ Darlene Hood    Positive thinking means accept every thing.   By filling your body with hate, it is the same as drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Think about freeing yourself from the walls …