Category: Wisdom

Every Saint has a Past

Once you are truly saved your life will be new. Praise God, that doesn’t mean we will be perfect but we will know the difference in right or wrong and we will want to walk by his side and he will be first in our lives and he does promise us all life forever. He loves …

Don’t think about what might go wrong

Positivity always, keep negative out of your life. Be a witness, not a judge. Focus on yourself, not on others. Listen to your heart, not to the crowd. We have this unconscious tendency to stir towards what we are looking at. If you focus on what could go wrong, you most likely will find it. On …

You can’t change how people treat you

Don’t react just smile & keep quiet. They don’t know what’s on your mind. Get over it and go on. Really helps to have folks that remind us we do not have to change to make someone else happy. ~ Linda Nelson Sometimes if you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards the situation. It’s a …

Sometimes quiet people have a lot to say

Sometimes, silence is more precious than gold. Some people feeds on the weakness of other people. Be careful on what you say and choose to whom you say it. Not because she/he is your best friend, sometimes best friends can be your best enemies. ~ Red Sparrow Not all people will understand the sense of what you …