People were created to be loved

People were created to be loved

All living creatures/souls and created to be loved. the problem is people tend to label living souls “things” hence the violence and disregard. ~ Suzie Emery

If people stopped acting like objects of some desire/symbolism (materialism) then it’d be easier to love them as humans for all. ~ Taylor Syverson

Some individuals are always givers and others use this to their advantage. ~ Amy Dunbinsky

People in this world live for things and use others so they can get something from them. ~ Sheila Stirrett

People evolved, things were named by people, we use things and love is nothing but a word. ~ Lee Parfitt

We are bombarded by marketing/advertising (offline and online) – day in, day out – to buy the latest must have gadgets, or in Gangnam style luxury items and fashion designs and many other “things” in this market and consumer driven world. To get those things we end up using others even though it can never bring sustainable happiness into our lives like people can when their friendship and love is authentic and unconditional. Maybe the root of the problem is not a Global Financial Crisis like we think we have but something more systemic – a social and cultural crisis – as we have forgotten what is truly important and what we should truly value in life – “one another” – and not the latest or next big thing. ~ Julius Sule

Some people rent space to store their stuff because they have so much more that they need, but are reluctant to give to those who need it most. A culture of materialism is sad. ~ Phyllis Devlin

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