Tag: right

When we are being compassionate

Teach your children to have compassion for all and respect as well. Their world will be a better place to live and get along in. ~ LaVonne Ostrom When a person is compassionate most likely HE/SHE is communicating through heart. ~ Angie Ruaya Children only know what they are taught. Love them and teach them well. ~ Ellen Burns …

How you will get the right woman?

To all us raising young men, single ladies if you complain you can’t find a good Man, remember it’s also our jobs to raise one. ~ Addie Kitchell Don’t worry about finding one. Just worry about what makes her happy. If you can’t do that, you’ll never be happy. ~ Jammin Miller

If something is meant to be, it’ll happen

Everything that happens happens for the good. Nothing is ever just a coincidence here. Everything that happens is a part of a bigger plan, the plan of the Almighty! Everything will happen at the exact right time, at the right place and for an absolute reason. I have faith that God will give the best lad whom …

Be patient & trust in the process

Keep the Faith always, until the right time has come. We can’t know how easy it is, until we try. Faith is miraculous!  The highest purpose, in our life comes through with what we believe from the heart not in what our eyes see and interpreted!  My policy in life is to wait patiently and trust …