Tag: care

Physical attractions are common

When you find both in the same person, don’t let him/her go. ~ Rachel Chieffo  I got married a year ago to a man I rejected in the first place because I did not find him physically attractive at all, but after getting married I would have regretted my whole life if I sticked to that decision. …

Those people who genuinely care

Sometimes people find someone who really cares and helps and loves but they want to be better with some people around, who takes advantage of them or hurt them but they don’t realize that they can lose everything. Sometimes you have to believe and trust. The destiny will always show you the right way. ~ Markus Dworowy  …

Some people care too much

It comes with experience as we go along with our life. The more we realize on who to give our love, care and time, the more we understand ourselves for the better. It’s amazing how people can be so unappreciative and we realized that we just wasted a part of ourselves, but then again, the rewards …

Love is when you sit beside someone

Just being with them feels fantastic and flutters my heart. ~ Sue Rhea  Even when you’re just sitting there, doing nothing, saying nothing and just holding hands. ~ Brigitte Nicole There doesn’t have to be a romantic link. To me this is about the comfort of a good friendship. ~ Mary MacDonald