Tag: forgiveness

Those people who betrayed you

Life is one big school of hard knocks, but we never should feel bad about our past experiences those really made us who we are today. ~ Förnamn Efternamn  Sometimes we trust someone for no reason at all. It’s just that we feel happy in their company or when they are with us.  Heart is always pure …

It takes a stronger person to forgive

Sometimes Sorry is too easy to say. It doesn’t mean anything if the action keeps happening. ~ April Hocking Forgiveness is not easy when someone doesn’t say they are sorry. Sometimes they don’t even know you are hurting. ~ Judi Casale People who don’t say they are sorry are the ones who need to be forgiven the most. …

When you will begin to heal from your past

Forgiveness means letting go of the past. ~ Leo Tolstoy Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve Peace. Unforgiveness is the poison you drink every day hoping the other person will die. ~ Debbie Ford Something magical happens when we forgive others like healing, prosperity and a peace of God. Never forget …

Forgive others! You deserve Peace

Forgiveness is more about ourselves and being free from the energetic hold. As we hold onto grudges, we are held hostage to our past. ~ Rebekah Harkness With some people, fighting is not the solution. You can never win with them. Hurting and fighting is in their nature and they do not suffer by doing it, so once …

The Best way to get over someone

Same with eliminating negative people from your life. Some relationship dynamics become very toxic, so if you care about yourself and the other, often the best solution is to go your own way. ~ Jean Allaire  Attachments have to be broken in order for someone to move on. You can free yourself if you still hang onto …