Tag: move on

Letting go may be hard

Give change a chance. It is up to us to create our own happiness because no one else will, unless we give them that power. Letting go of the past is also just as important as letting go of relationships that make people miserable. The miserable past is gone and can not be undone. Let go …

When we are being compassionate

Teach your children to have compassion for all and respect as well. Their world will be a better place to live and get along in. ~ LaVonne Ostrom When a person is compassionate most likely HE/SHE is communicating through heart. ~ Angie Ruaya Children only know what they are taught. Love them and teach them well. ~ Ellen Burns …

Hold back the tears and just walk away

A smiling face to create peace of mind and be able to reconcile the liver. The Smile is a cure for Happiness. ~ Brilliantine Jordan Just look yourself in the mirror, and say, “I like what I see.” It’s their loss. ~ Glen Sanders A thankful heart is a happy heart. When times are tough, we must do …