Tag: people

No matter how many mean people you meet

Mean people do have a good heart too. Buried deep within there unhealed inner pain. Good hearted people live in the now. There heart is on the surface. Do good & good will come to you. ~ Anita Redmond  I had a mean heart before, and sometimes I might be the mean person and not know. That is why …

There are some people who will understand you

I can not explain this one enough, but I am living proof today that there is someone out there for all of us. It is incredible how many doors close behind us and one door opens in front of us. ~ Chantel Sharma I’ve learned that those who don’t understand you are those who hear what they want …

People who only pretend to care

In my experience, people who truly care about you will show you through their actions, not their words. If all they have are words, then being on your own is really the best solution. Until you find people who truly care about you. ~ Emma Blunt Be yourself, be genuine, open, and kind. Love life as …

Don’t chase after people anymore

Being happy in the company of another that we don’t have to chase around is the best. Also, being thankful with the people who wishes to be around us gives us contentment with the company we keep.~ Louise Ketchup A few people have hurt me so bad that it brought down my health, stress kills. Lessons learned …

The strongest people make time to help others

Strong people for some reason feel driven to help others. It gives them a sense of purpose. Even if they get nothing in return except that satisfaction that comes from helping others. ~ Randy Lynch  In helping others, we can take a mini vacation from our own struggles so that when we return we can be more …