Tag: time

If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer

After being used, abused, and betrayed, I used to do this and found myself profoundly unhappy and unnecessarily preoccupied. There is nothing productive or satisfying about waiting around for Karma to exact some measure of revenge for you. It’s much easier and more gratifying to let go and trust God’s will, plan, and timing. ~ Kimberley Martin  …

Sometimes you need to be alone

Time spent with a great companion, YOURSELF !   If you don’t spend enough time getting to know yourself and learning to like yourself, how do you know what you are sharing with others, and how can you expect them to like it? ~ Catherine Marbaker    Being alone doesn’t mean you don’t have friends. You just …

Live your own life without worrying

No expectations, No worries!   Started thinking this way a while ago and it’s made a huge difference in my life. When my kids pushed my buttons I’d say, “Sorry you feel that way, I love you lots!” and I meant it, but after a while they knew if I said it they couldn’t ruffle me. …

Timing is everything

This is what I tell the young women that I know who are so anxious to be engaged and married. What is the rush? If that person is meant to be in your life, they will be, regardless if you have a ring and piece of paper. ~ Tami Morgan  You could find love at the right …