Tag: trust

Before you Speak

Sometimes it’s better to be hurt by the truth then to be lied to. ~ Yvette Damhuis  Folks are in such a hurry now. They don’t seem to have the time to think before speaking or waiting for an answer. ~ Liz Carden  When one is considering your day to day interaction with people. Not lashing out, not …

You’re somebody’s Angel

Angels are all around us. Such a blessing and a comfort to know so many friends are angels without wings here on earth. We all live with an angel beside us, and its he that we move on in life, but if we abandon him we are lost in existing. ~ Sandra Said I wake up look …

Not everyone will love you back

Be the best version of you! Trust, believe and if you choose to play the game …play to win no matter what. In the end, we can only be responsible for our own words and actions, not those of others. We can continue to do all of these things, but we should always use wisdom. Sometimes …

Emotional, mental & physical pain changes people

I don’t think they are talking about physical pain. Mental pain is the kind of pain that has no cure. You just have to trust God to give you strength to work through it. ~ Carolyn Rush  When it’s emotional pain, people don’t know what to say or how to act so they stop coming around. When …

Be patient & trust in the process

Keep the Faith always, until the right time has come. We can’t know how easy it is, until we try. Faith is miraculous!  The highest purpose, in our life comes through with what we believe from the heart not in what our eyes see and interpreted!  My policy in life is to wait patiently and trust …

Never lie to someone who trusts you

There is never any reason to lie. Lying is a choice not an accident. Always respect the person enough to tell the truth. Living a life with lies will not be easy. Maybe eventually this person cannot make a difference between truth and lies. Who wants to be living with this person or be family or …