Tag: yourself

Have Faith that everything will get better

Nothing stays the same forever, including bad times & it will work out . God didn’t bring you this far for it not to. Today I focus on everything that already is beautiful and worth loving in my life. ~ Mervi Huhtelin  Faith is something you should never lose I should know I’m a cancer free and …

Someone’s inability to see your worth

Your value increases when you realize your own self worth. You determine your worth. No one else can do this but you.  Your inner worth will be based on how you value your self. If you think and believe that you’re priceless, then who could undervalue you. ~ Ace Lagasca  Stay as you are & focus your good …

If your not surrounded by negative people

What drains one is negative, what uplifts one is positive. When negativity is negated, it ceases to exist. ~ Anna Gomez  Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative. ~ Dave Miller  Bad things happen to you when you take care of the feelings of others and forget your self. ~ Close Aniba  Stay away from those negative people. No time …