Anyone can love you when the sun is shining

Anyone can love you when the sun is shining

Years ago, my Grandmother told me, “If you want to know who your true friends are, “Get sick or get into trouble”. ~ Jeannie Tucker

Stars are invisible during the day but it’s only in the dark can one see the stars. ~ Juliet Sierra

That’s where your true friends or loved ones are. People who truly care will be there for you and certainly not run away at bad times. ~ Michiyo Kuniyoshi

The lord is there before the storm and the lord is there in the mist of the storm and the lord is there when the storm comes to a calm because the lord is the one who calmed the storms he was there all the way with us through the storm. ~ Helen Lynch

Find someone to stay with you during those storms. That’s key. Accepting all of you unconditionally, even with your imperfections. ~ Phylicia Shoemaker

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