Don’t overlook life’s small joys while searching for the big ones

Don't overlook life's small joys while searching for the big ones

It is the small things that make your life worth living.

Don’t focus too much on a certain thing. You have to see the beauty around. Eat your dessert first life is short.

Small priceless joy add up to good day, good day added to good time, good time make a good memory to look back and feel good when your upset. ~ Preeti Kooner 

Never worry about money. Let the person you owe the money to do the worrying.

I tend to like life’s small joys more than the big ones. The small ones usually come from the heart and the the big ones usually come from the pocket or purse. The small ones come because someone really cares and the big ones are usually someone trying to make an impression. They mean more to me if they are from the heart. ~Linda Flanders 

I always get in trouble when I start taking myself too seriously which is most of the time. ~ David Rapp 

My mom, who is 75 this year jumps on her 6 year old grandson’s trampoline. She’s the youngest person I know. ~ Sheromie Vittachi 

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