Everything’s gonna be alright

Everything's gonna be alright

Try not to get worried, try not to turn onto problems that upset you, don’t you know, everything going to be all right, and I want you to sleep sound tonight.

You are strong, and smart, and kind, and caring, And you know what? Things are going to be ok, because you believe it, in the innermost part of your mind, you know it will be ok. Angel, from work, told me to give those stressful, worrisome things to God, and once you do, don’t go back and pick ’em up again. ~ Scott Brown

We are not alone and if you think you are. There is always someone happy to listen and “virtually” hold your hand.

Every once in a while I need a little reassurance, no matter how strong, how spiritually connected, how wise I think I am it sure helps to hear another voice say everything is going to be ok. ~ Jerome Braggs

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