Let go of the things you can’t change

Let go of the things you can't change

By changing your reaction and your attitude. Realize that there’s nothing you can do to change the outcome, so let it go. When faced with a situation that’s important to you, ask yourself: Can I do something to change it? If the answer is yes, then do everything you can. If you can’t change it or control it, then let it be. You can’t control people, the weather, for example. You can figure it out. ~ Brigitte Nicole

There is nothing more frustrating than attempting move the unmovable. We all seem prone to believe we have this fabulous ability to change others. We are always trying to figure out: “How can I get my partner to stop doing.” While we occasionally may influence another person, the thought that their change is completely within the realm of our control leads to discouragement and disappointment. ~ Unknown

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