Sometimes life seems unfair

Sometimes life seems unfair

It rains hardest on those who know how to create their own sunshine. ~ Joe Jenkins 

The sun always comes back out eventually the rain will pass and we get a chance to shine. ~ Massiv Congo 

We all have rain in our lives. The secret is to always remember you deserve that beautiful sunshine. Keep that positive attitude and you will have patience as you wait for the upcoming rainbow during/after the rainfall. ~ Brigitte Nicole 

They are the strongest and most evolved souls and they can handle the rain because they know one day they will reap their reward. ~ Ana Luisa 

Without the rain how can we really appreciate the sun? they surely compliment each other. ~ Penny Hoover 

We are the strongest and will be able to wait till the storm passes. ~ Samantha Agan 

You need the rain for the trees to grow strong. ~ Kim Atkinson 

We cannot appreciate the flowers without rain to make them grow and even sunshine, when you get too much, burns. ~ Unknown

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