Sometimes you need to be alone in life

Sometimes you need to be alone in life

Sometimes it’s better to be alone, No one can hurt you that way.

It’s not always easy to be alone, but there is comfort and peace when you are still, quiet and take time to discover who you are and what you can do. ~ Ken Lowe 

The ability to like your self comes from the ability to be alone.

A walk in the nature alone, is more than enough to achieve this.

Being alone makes you think and rethink the life you brought, the life it taught you millions of lesson. The many times you fell and stood up, fought back and continue to live life to the fullest of the full and embrace the experiences, triumphs, despair and successes life has given and will bring in to me. ~ Lhynne Gio 

Everyone needs time to spend alone to think things over and get the right perspective of what you doing with your life that special time makes you feel like a better person so you can focus more on what needs to be done. ~ Ellen Sands 

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