Tag: hurt

Love is Beautiful when it’s Good

Love is sometimes better the 2nd time around. You are more mature and know what you want in a mate. You have to pay price to be happy, nothing comes easy. To reach happiness you have to go through things that you do not want. Sometimes at the time we think it is beautiful and then …

Let go of the past Hurt

Let go of bad past as lesson learnt, cherish fond memories of the past. Forgiveness is the key. Truly forgive, whether it is yourself or someone else and you will be able to let go of the past and it is such a peaceful feeling. ~ Georgia Turner  The first time letting go is the hardest, but …

It’s better to cry than to be angry

Holding onto anger is like drinking Poison and expecting the other person to die. Once you spew anger at someone, it’s too late to ever take it back. Don’t be shy to cry , but cry when you are alone to keep your dignity high. ~ Mohammed Kamal True anger is poison, it is a switch that …

Growth & Change is painful

Remember it’s a choice if you don’t like where you are change it. We have to be responsible for our selves and our choices. ~ Trish Siscon  Change is good and growing is also good. If you don’t like where and what you are then change and growth is good. Learn to see the positive in life. …

If someone treats you poorly

Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes. Learn to take things with a smile and you won’t carry any burdens. ~ Harry Fosdick  The pursuit of happiness. Pick people who are capable …