When something is hurting your heart & soul

When something is hurting your heart & soul


Keep going even if it’s slow at least you’re moving, you will get there somehow.

The moment when you realize that letting go is the only option. The only thing left to do. The only right thing to do. Whatever was, was. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. Time will tell because in the end you can’t make love be something it is not. Sometimes you just need to let go and move on. Even when it hurts the most. ~ Turið Húsgarð 

It is difficult to move on from something that you’ve dealt with for long periods and you still care about the person who has hurt you. But, when you finally do, it will set you free to move on to bigger, better things that you deserve so much more. But, it still takes time to heal. Let your heart and soul heal, then find someone, something that you love and makes you happy. I pray for guidance all the time, afraid I will make the wrong decision. But, eventually I do what is right for me and in truth that is all that really matters. I just don’t rush into anything, until I feel I’m on the road to “recovery”. Let go and Let God! Good luck to all of those going through this, believe me you are not alone. ~ Gabi Bentz

The stuff to let go is my own. Perceptions, sense of responsibility for others feelings, guilt, etc. Let go of that and all situations become light. ~ Tracy Hodgetts 

The only way to heal your hurt is to face it squarely. Face what is it that is hurting you the most. This really requires lots of courage because at the bottom of it all is we are really not hurt by “other” people, we are really hurt by our own selves, our own behavior, our “reactions”. Facing our own mistake takes a lot of courage. Most of the time we are happy only to find fault with others and live with hatred for the other person. This is so much easier to do than face ourselves. So the day we confront ourselves, see our own mistake, learn our lesson from that mistake, we are on our road to recovery. It is that easy. Our heart and soul gets healed. Simple but takes courage. ~ Swapna Temkar

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