The less you respond to negative people

The less you respond to negative people

Let the negative folks enjoy their Negative world. No need to join them. Life’s too short to go there. ~ Tammy Cintolo 

Negative is like a black hole that wants to suck you right in. However, the more we focus on the positive, the love and the joy we really are, the more we can find the true peace within us that has been there all along. ~ Unknown

I always feel better to just walk on by and not even stop to hear what negative words will come out of some people’s mouths because you just know it would kill them to be positive about anything in life. Keep on smiling! ~ Mary Hathaway 

Absolutely, who can be bothered with negative, insecure and jealous people? Better to invest your time into the people who really do care about you. ~ Alison Carroll 

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