Author: Tejas Patel

When you mind your own business

Rumors and gossip can ruin lives. This applies also for those who feed on media lies and gossip of celebs who don’t even know your existence. If you focus on yourself and flaws you will be a better person inside. Focusing on yourself and not torturing yourself about the past and past people is good. ~ Jennifer …

Some people can only stay in your heart

We meet everyone for a reason. Some are not meant to stay but to help us or teach us or show us what we don’t need it. It’s up to us to realize their purpose, but sometimes it is hard to let go, but we do, every ending has a new beginning. ~ Kathie O’Brien  If you …

Like to be left alone sometimes

Nothing wrong with being alone; some “me” and inner peace, recharge energy, some breathing space for mind, body and soul. ~ Rita DeBono  We all need alone time, not to be mistaken as lonely. There is a huge difference! ~ Gloria Easley  Nothing wrong with liking your’e own Company and innermost thoughts! The ability to be alone and …