Category: Move on

Sometimes it’s best just to walk away

I had to walk away from someone I love very much. Sometimes it is just the right thing to do for the person and for yourself. It can help the person grow and it is just awful to stay and hurt that someone and yourself by staying. ~ Kaitlin Trollinger    Never look back you are not …

If you keep moving forward

Sometimes people slam the door behind them because they only got a glimpse into the front room, not wanting to see the whole place which comes with time, commitment & communication. Some people prefer this so they don’t have to commit and give of themselves completely due to fear or maybe thinking there is something possibly …

Change is never easy in life

You can’t move forward with out taking a step forward.   We fight the constant decision of whether to let go or hold on. The back & forth only beats you up inside. ~ Shauna Coleman In order for things to progress in the right direction there has to be change.   What doesn’t kill you make …

Walking away has nothing to do with weakness

I love walking away from toxic, harmful people. ~ Nadia Nisho    I have finally started to take stock of my own worth and stopped chasing after people. If a person cares about you, you will know it by their actions, just like you know they don’t care by their actions. ~ Carrie Hurd   Walk away with …