No one is sent by accident to anyone

Nothing in our life happens by accident. Everything is part of our fate. No one should ask why things are as they are. This question will be answered at the right time. No one should ask why things are as they are. Everything in creation has it’s purpose. ~ Evelyn Estipona  Some people are sent to test …

When you have a good heart?

In the end of your time here on earth we all will find out it was never between you and them, what you have given from your heart it was between you and God so keep loving and giving! ~ Marie Quick  When you really have a good heart, no matter how hurt you are, you’ll always …

Hard times are sometimes blessings in disguise

The blessing at the end of every hard time, is getting through by God’s Grace. Sometimes you can be so focused & worried about old things, you don’t even notice how beautiful & bright the outcome of the new things is. ~ Fazlin Abrahams Holding onto the negative will cloud your view of the future. Live …